21 What Questions for Speech Therapy

It can be hard to come up with questions on the spot in therapy, especially when as a busy SLP you have tons of things on your plate! I know from experience that sometimes it’s best to just have resources ready that you can quickly pull up for whenever you need them. So save, bookmark, […]
Prepositions in English – How to Teach Them in Speech Therapy

Learning the prepositions in English can be difficult for children. There are so many to learn! Even though it is considered a basic skill by the time kids start elementary school, lots of my students struggle with basic prepositions. Let’s break down what they are, when they should be acquired (according to research) and then […]
What Are The WH Questions?

Have you ever heard about WH questions? Are you wondering what are the WH questions? They’re mentioned a lot as a goal in speech-language therapy and they can also have a significant impact on a child’s academic success. WH questions are also used frequently in conversation. Answering and asking WH questions are important skills for […]